Taught By
Siri Chandler
Siri is a Certified Teacher of Mindful Self-Compassion and an experienced mindfulness educator. She is a dual Thai-American national living in Pranburi, Thailand. Her genuineness, kindness and personal experience of the benefits of MSC and MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) infuse her courses with a special personal touch. As an enthusiastic life-long learner, she devotes her time to continuously deepening her own practice which she has been cultivating over the past 25 years. She is especially drawn to bringing mindfulness into daily life in a practical way. She enjoys kiteboarding, trekking, and walking with her dogs on the beach.
Raphael Jay Adjani
Raphael Jay Adjani is an integrative psychotherapist, resident life coach at Amaravati Wellness Center Thailand, and educator of over 30 years, including being a teacher of MSC & other Mindfulness based programs. Formerly Honorary Programme Director of New life Foundation; and member of the teaching team of LGBT focused Rainbow Mind, UK. As a lecturer in higher education, and teacher in corporate, community & health contexts, Raphael has been helping people, for over 30 years to maximize their holistic creativity. www.TheDeliciousDelightOfLiving.com
Next Session is on:
Saturday 4 June, 2022
10:00 - 12:00 UK Time UTC+1
11:00 - 13:00 Central European Time UTC+1
16:00 - 18:00 Indochina Time UTC+7
One session: 504 Thai Baht (15 USD)
Special 40% discount price of
4055 Thai Baht
if you book for 12 monthly sessions.
The August Theme: Awe, Wonder and Appreciation
We will have a sequence of practices, and a space for reflection and sharing, that can support us to feel awe, wonder and appreciation for the Lives we have and the world around us.
The September Theme: Mini-Retreat
Our Mini Retreats are an excellent way to particularly focus on deepening and strengthening practice
Re-MSC Retreat sessions focus on around 90 minutes of a range of guided practices, followed by 30 minutes of a safe and confidential space for extensive discussion and reflection in small mini-groups in the breakout rooms and/or in the group as a whole.
​About Re-MSC:
Re-MSC is an online monthly rolling program to cultivate Mindful Self-Compassion and related life development skills.
Re-MSC is a resource for early stage practitioners, experienced practitioners and teachers of Mindful Self-Compassion or Mindfulness.
Re-MSC supports you to:
- Deepen your conceptual understanding and practice of Mindful Self-Compassion.
- Reflect further on ways of applying MSC to your daily life.
- Explore other self-development concepts and practices, as well as other contemplative practices, which resonate with MSC: in order to both more expansively understand MSC, and extend life skills.
- Connect more deeply to the core MSC component of "Common Humanity" through a community of support and sharing.
We look forward also to the possibility of connecting with you again.
For registration please click on the button below or email Siri for details: siri@mindfulnessth.com
Christopher Germer, Ph.D.
Self-compassion is simply giving the same kindness to ourselves that we give to others.